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  • Tags: Dalplex

Page 3 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 8

Item consists of page 3 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 8. The page features an article called "PhysEd Complex Hearing Wearisome."

Pages 11-15 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 4

Item consists of pages 11-15 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 4. The pages feature an article called "The Athletic Complex Controversy."

Page 1 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 109, Issue 18

Item consists of page 1 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 109, Issue 18. The page features an article called "South Street Homes Damaged."

Aerial photograph of Dalplex construction

Item is an aerial photograph of the construction of the Dalplex at Dalhousie University.

Aerial photograph of Studley campus

Item is an aerial photograph of Dalhousie University's Studley campus, including Dalplex.

Photograph of Henry Hicks

Item is a photograph of Henry Hicks speaking at a kick-off ceremony for the Dalplex construction at Dalhousie University.

Photograph of a model of the Dalplex

Item is a photograph of a model of the Dalplex, a proposed athletics building for Dalhousie University.

Photograph of a model of Studley campus

Item is a photograph of a model of Dalhousie University's Studley Campus, including the proposed Dalplex building

Drawing of the floor plan of Dalplex

Item is a drawing of the lower level floor plan of the proposed Dalplex building at Dalhousie University.

Drawing of the north-west view and entrance court of Dalplex

Item is a drawing of the north-west view and entrance court of the proposed Dalplex building at Dalhousie University.