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- Tags: Dalplex
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Page 3 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 8
Item consists of page 3 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 8. The page features an article called "PhysEd Complex Hearing Wearisome."
Tags: Dalhousie Gazette, Dalplex
Pages 11-15 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 4
Item consists of pages 11-15 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 106, Issue 4. The pages feature an article called "The Athletic Complex Controversy."
Tags: Dalhousie Gazette, Dalplex
Page 1 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 109, Issue 18
Item consists of page 1 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 109, Issue 18. The page features an article called "South Street Homes Damaged."
Tags: Dalhousie Gazette, Dalplex
Aerial photograph of Dalplex construction
Item is an aerial photograph of the construction of the Dalplex at Dalhousie University.
Tags: Dalhousie buildings, Dalplex
Aerial photograph of Studley campus
Item is an aerial photograph of Dalhousie University's Studley campus, including Dalplex.
Tags: Dalplex, Studley campus
Photograph of Henry Hicks
Item is a photograph of Henry Hicks speaking at a kick-off ceremony for the Dalplex construction at Dalhousie University.
Tags: Dalplex, Henry Hicks
Photograph of a model of the Dalplex
Item is a photograph of a model of the Dalplex, a proposed athletics building for Dalhousie University.
Tags: Dalhousie buildings, Dalplex
Photograph of a model of Studley campus
Item is a photograph of a model of Dalhousie University's Studley Campus, including the proposed Dalplex building
Tags: Dalhousie buildings, Dalplex, Studley campus
Drawing of the floor plan of Dalplex
Item is a drawing of the lower level floor plan of the proposed Dalplex building at Dalhousie University.
Tags: Dalhousie buildings, Dalplex
Drawing of the north-west view and entrance court of Dalplex
Item is a drawing of the north-west view and entrance court of the proposed Dalplex building at Dalhousie University.
Tags: Dalhousie buildings, Dalplex
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