Browse Exhibits (5 total)
Douglas Cockerell fine bindings collection

The name Douglas Cockerell is synonymous with high-quality fine bindings and craftsmanship. Due to the discerning taste and generosity of the noted Nova Scotian philanthropist, William Inglis Morse, the Dalhousie University Libraries own thirteen bindings by Douglas Cockerell. Each binding has noteworthy features and there is an interesting range of formats from full book bindings to pamphlet cases. Most of the bindings are from the workshop of the bookbinder at the height of his career but there is one example of an earlier work from 1907. While it would be ideal to see and hold the actual bindings, for those not able to visit we are pleased to provide this digital exhibit of our Cockerell fine bindings. Presented here are an overview of Cockerell’s career and his fruitful relationship with William Inglis Morse, full descriptions of all the bindings, a glossary of the bookbinding terms used in the descriptions, bibliographical details of the books and photographs of the bindings.
This digital exhibit contains photographs taken by Dalhousie Libraries Intern in 2016 showcasing various aspects of the collection as well as text from Dalhousie Libraries' Special Collections Librarian, Karen Smith. For additional information contact Karen Smith (Email:, 902-494-8803 or 902-494-3615).
Kipling Scrapbooks Digital Exhibit

The Kipling Scrapbooks Digital Exhibit features digitized scrapbooks from Dalhousie Libraries' Rudyard Kipling Collection. Assembled by contemporaries of Kipling's, these scrapbooks represent the wide range of responses to Kipling and his works during the height of his career. They contain some obscurer texts by and about Kipling, and also help to pinpoint his movements in the early years of his writing.
This exhibit singularly features the Garth Scrapbook, created by Sir William Garth (1854-1923), which preserves Kipling's early journalistic works, "Letters of Marque" (1887-1888). To capture the spirit of Kipling's travels throughout Rajputana, India, the Kipling Scrapbooks features an interactive map and timeline that charts Kipling's movements as he wrote "Letters of Marque."
Les hétérodoxes de l’entre-deux-guerres: trois écrivains pacifistes et libertaires français

L’histoire des rapports entre les milieux littéraires et culturels et le mouvement anarchiste français est longue et complexe, quoiqu’encore de nos jours assez peu connue et étudiée . Ce site repropose certains textes de trois auteurs parmi les plus significatifs de la mouvance individualiste du mouvement. Il représente un moment d’un projet de recherche du même titre, soutenu par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, qui devra aboutir à la publication d’une étude détaillée des travaux de ces trois écrivains et des rapports qu’ils entretenaient.
The Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume One, 1818-1925: Lord Dalhousie's College

This exhibit is based on The Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume One, 1818-1925: The Old College Transformed by Peter B. Waite. The exhibit introduces interesting people, buildings, and other topics from Dalhousie's history through digitized material from the Dalhousie University Archives.
The Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume Two, 1925-1980: The Old College Transformed

This exhibit is based on The Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume Two, 1925-1980: The Old College Transformed by Peter B. Waite. The exhibit introduces interesting people, buildings, and other topics from Dalhousie's history through digitized material from the Dalhousie University Archives.
Featured Exhibit
Kipling Scrapbooks Digital Exhibit

The Kipling Scrapbooks Digital Exhibit features digitized scrapbooks from Dalhousie Libraries' Rudyard Kipling Collection. Assembled by contemporaries of Kipling's, these scrapbooks...