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- Tags: Munro Day
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Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 88, Issue 20
Item consists of Volume 88, Issue 20 of the Dalhousie Gazette, published March 13, 1956. The issue features photographs and description of the candidates for Campus Queen and a schedule for Munro Day celebrations.
Front and back page of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 91, Issue 18
Item consists of the front and back page of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 91, Issue 18, featuring a schedule for Munro Day.
Tags: Munro Day
Invitation to Munro Day Celebration
Item is an invitation to the 1891 Munro Day celebrations at Dalhousie University. The invitation apparently belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.
Tags: Munro Day
Munro Day program
Item is the program for Munro Day on Thursday March 14, 1935 at Dalhousie University. The program featured sporting events, announcements and presentations, music, and an evening dance.
Tags: George Munro, Munro Day
Page 1 of the Dal Gazette, Volume 88, Issue 20
Item is page 1 of the Dal Gazette, Volume 88, Issue 20, featuring photographs of candidates for Campus Queen.
Tags: Munro Day
Pages 76-77 of the Dalhousie Gazette, volume 15, issue 6
Item consists of pages 76-77 of Volume 15, issue 6 of the Dalhousie Gazette, published January 26, 1883. The pages feature an article describing a sleigh ride and party on Munro Day, called "Our Sleigh-Drive."
Tags: Dalhousie Gazette, Munro Day
Poem about Munro Day
Item is a photograph of a poem abut Munro Day published in the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 23, Issue 6.
Tags: Munro Day
The Sleigh Drive
Item is an article from pages 68-69 of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 14, Issue 6.
Tags: Munro Day
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