For Dalhousie's bicentennial, material from the Dalhousie University Archives will be shared on Dalhousie's social media every day of 2018. This collection contains material that will be shared.
"Gazette on Trial at Council Meet Tonight"
Item is an article from the front page of the Dalhousie Gazette, Volume 81, Issue 20.
Photograph of Dalhousie College
Item is a photograph of the old Dalhousie College building, located on the Grand Parade in Halifax, Nova Scotia.The photograph was taken from Barrington Street and there are carriages on the street.
Page 3 of a scrapbook of article from the Dalhousie centenary
Item is the third page of a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings related to Dalhousie's centenary events; an inscription on the opening pages indicates that it was given to President Mackenzie as an archival record.